The Stables on Coxwell north of Gerrard built in 1919 and seen here in 1925.
Harald Bauder & Angelica Suorineni have this to say:
"The area had other prominent public and recreational facilities. The Coxwell Stables (on Cowell Ave. just south of the train tracks) were built in 1919 to accommodate the horses that pulled Toronto’s Public Works Department vehicles. After the horse-drawn vehicles were replaced with automobiles, trucks and other machines, the stables were used mainly as a storage facility. In 1981, the Toronto Historical Board designated the building a historical site and CityHome, the City of Toronto’s non-profit housing company, subsequently bought and renovated the site to offer affordable rental housing (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 2010; Toronto Community Housing, 2010)."

Today it's community housing.