Ford of Canada began assembling cars at this purpose built factory on Dupont Street in 1915. The cars were shipped here in kit form by rail and assembled. There was a test track on the roof and the ground floor was the showroom. Ford sold the building in 1924 and transferred the operation to the Danforth. Being an efficient man and disliking waste, even the dimensions of the shipping crates for parts were strictly specified as the crates themselves were incorporated into the floors of the cars being assembled.

The Factory and Showroom in 2010.

A shot of the ground floor showroom.

An interesting photo from the archives that prompted this article.
Labelled Dupont and Christie 1912?, it shows what appears to be a brand new Model T
overturned in a ditch. It's quite possible that a customer, having taken delivery of his new car promptly crashed it outside the factory. It's just speculation of course but the salesmen at McBride Cycle on Dundas had countless stories of customers wrecking their new motorcycles right in front of the showroom.