This is what Regent Park looked like before the urban renewal of 1950.

This is after. More of a prison than a community.

This photo from the 1970's looks like a scene from the film "Up".
It's a good example of how the city planners managed to get it so wrong.
The old victorian homes of Cabbagetown that were torn down in order to build both Jamestown and Regent Park can never be brought back. If the city had simply allowed the natural progress of time to continue, these neighbourhoods would have re-gentrified
as they did in other parts of the city. The mistakes of urban renewal cannot be undone
and no doubt whatever replaces Regent Park will be as disasterous as the previous incarnation
You should come by and see the new Regent Park development. You will hate it, but hopefully an improvement to the mess that you can still see at Gerrard and Parliament. Also come visit my coach house while you're in the neighbourhood - Cabbagetown alleyways are pretty great.